Joannie L. Adams, PLLC
That Joannie... Realtor Extraordinaire! | Phone: (602) 549-4959

Home Buying Info

Understanding how the process begins will help you make an informed decision when selecting the right home for you and your family.
Below is some important information to use as a guide!

Please fill-out the Buyers Request form

Congratulations! You've taken the 1st step towards a very fulfilling home buying experience!

The Goal: To eliminate “Analysis Paralysis.” Don't become overwhelmed. (Try to keep it simple.) I'd like to help keep you on track by focusing on the goal; finding the best home for your needs within the right price range and ideal location for you.

Here's how the "Joannie, Keep Me Moving" plan works best:

When you sign up for E-alerts and begin looking at any of the listings that come to your inbox via email, the initial one should have quite a few listings and then others will come to you as onezie - twozies, as they become available. A good idea is to eliminate anything that doesn't fit your preferences right away.

In a Buyer's Market, try to narrow it down to 10 or 15 homes you like based on the MLS sheets. Then, sort into “yes” and “maybe” piles. If possible, try to narrow it even further down to 4 or 5 homes that are the strong contenders. Having too many MLS data sheets around can seem to shift the focus and complicate things.

Keep in mind; you aren't just moving into a house; you’re moving into a neighborhood. I strongly suggest that you take a look around the neighborhoods, driving by each of those homes you’re considering. Make sure the home doesn't back up to anything you aren't comfortable with and make sure the surrounding homes look good.

Ask yourself - is it close to my favorite bank, grocery store, schools, yoga class, doctor’s office, dentist, urgent care, etc…? (Also, consider how the move will affect your commute to and from work each day). In most communities, there’s an abundance of these various amenities. That’s great news for all of us in the Valley!

When you have seen all the areas and considered your options, carefully select the best 3 or 4 houses. The next step is to contact me so that I can obtain any and all pertinent information not listed on the data sheets (if any) and I'll schedule a private showing for us to tour them together, at a time that works for everyone.

We simply keep repeating the process until you are ready to write an offer on the house that fits your ideal. I can then begin to negotiate strongly on your behalf and have a CMA ready to go so you start the process form a position of strength.

With regards to financial assistance, please keep in touch with your Lender about the homes you feel the strongest about. They will help keep the reality of things in check and keep you moving in the right direction.

I’m thrilled to be helping you!